
Swatch Switch (My Smart Phone Screed)

As you know, my Nexus 5 was broken several days before 2017. I know, it's like an ugly ending for him (I called my phone as "him" lol) and I was sad because he's been with me for almost 2 years. I haven't use the same mobile phone for more than 2 years until him. Not a bragging but nowadays people got bored with smart phone like 5 seconds after they purchased it, considering there are a lot of new type of smart phone offered in the market in a year. Me? My problem with smart phone is not that "boring" thing, it was simply because I couldn't use it anymore (broken stuff). Like, I purchased Samsung three times and they are running out of battery too soon (talking about defect battery life). My Blackberry track pad is also broken I couldn't use it anymore. Lately my Nexus was broken because I dropped him like too often and finally I couldn't turn him on until now. Clumsy me :(
My Broken Nexus 5 :(
Me and my Nexus 5 has a special relationship. After I got him, I never have the urge to buy another phone. I'm a regular Android user, tho. I don't build programs whatsoever so probably I like him very much because of his looks, his interface (slightly different from regular Android phones, the "back" button is on the left - I'm not a lefty tho), and his 'hipster'-ish feeling because he's so rare now. He's so nice to hold on my tiny hand, and I used to tired holding my mobile phone all the time until him. So, having him broken was a great loss for me.

Greater loss when I remember that I only have it backed up on October, so the data after that is erased. Including my parents' photos taken in Bali (have another photos on my Sony Cyber-shot DSC TX20 but not too many left there). I once left my Nexus 5 on a cab while arriving at the airport. Lucky me, the man in the information center lend me his phone so I could call my own phone and the cab's driver picked it. He was kindly return to the airport and handed me back my phone alhamdulillah. I was like, should I have a back up phone? Nowadays people have more than one phone. But NO. I always bring my laptop everywhere and my number is connected to my emails (mostly connected every way, including my social medias - security risks talking) so I'll stay with only one number - one only way to reach me (and I rarely pick up any phone-call lol sorry).


Formula Anti Gila

I am actually in the middle of working - cie, kerja teross. Gak sih, soalnya kemarin sempat bolos satu setengah hari gara-gara HxNx - oke, kita biasa menyebutnya "flu" - sehingga saya merasa sudah terlalu lama libur tanpa cuti dan harus mengganti gap kosong yang kemarin saya tinggalin (still, "cie, kerja teross").

Baiklah. Saya ada deadline. Dia menunggu di pojok sana. Sendiri. Menatap sambil mengancam akan mematikan lampu. Mengingatkan bahwa listrik adalah sesuatu yang memberi nyawa pada apa yang sedang saya kerjakan. Dan saya malah menggambar, menggunakan listrik untuk sesuatu yang lain seperti main-main dengan Photoshop dan bahkan sekarang sedang menulis entry blog di sini. Oke. Dia menatap saya tambah tajam sekarang.

Haruskah saya lari sekarang? Soalnya untuk memenuhi si deadline ini, saya butuh energi. Energi saya lagi kurang banget. Flu dan beberapa hal gak penting sedang menguras energi saya. OMG makin dibiarkan, makin mau gila.

Inspired by Nala Cat. Colored pencil and water color on plain paper. With ink and a help of Photoshop CC.
Analoginya begitu sih. Dan ini gak terjadi sekali aja. Sudah berkali-kali. Agaknya tiap tahun begini banget deh. Di saat inspirasi sangat dibutuhkan dan harus dieksekusi, eh yang terjadi macam-macam: sakit flu, malas, futur, bengong, gak fokus, malas. Hehe. Termasuk, ada pengaruh dari perasaan kehilangan akibat ditinggalkan beberapa orang (atau hal) sekaligus. Yah, saya agak sensitif terhadap 'ditinggalkan'. Dalam beberapa kasus ini sangat merugikan sih, misalnya kita jadi melakukan banyak tugas sementara menunggu pengganti manusia-manusia (atau hal-hal) yang pergi.
It seems that the whole world is against me now. - January 6, 2017.
Oleh karena itu saya menjadi manic! Mmm gak tau deh apa istilah ini tepat. Pokoknya ada saat di mana kamu lagi banyak ide yang pengen diungkapkan tapi yang terjadi adalah, kamu mandeg. Kemudian cemas 'gak jelas, waswas dan sebagainya. Juga ada rasa g'ak percaya sama orang (atau hal), takut 'gak sejalan dan sebagainya. Mendengarkan musik pun jadi nyakitin kuping gitu. Entah karena sulit ngaturin prioritas ataukah kamu memang bukan eksekutor yang baik. Dan saat itu terjadi, kadar antusiasme yang kamu dapat dari sekitarmu ternyata kurang banyak! Gak heran si manic ini semakin menjadi-jadi.