

Not sure if I make this right, but it happened that I drew this illustration while my mind was wondering (or you can say, crooked) and the IF's topic this week is "crooked" so I think it may be fit.

Wondering Mind
Color Pencil on B5 plain paper, Photosoph-ed.
Bizarre, no?


Awkward Days?

Ini sebenarnya bukan cerita yang penting. Tapi aku gak tahan untuk gak menceritakannya. Jadi gini, kira-kira saat ini mukaku mungkin bisa digambarkan seperti ini:

Semua ini ada alasannya.

Lima hari yang lalu

Ada acara training ISO, tempatnya di Bandung (O.M.G dah berjuta-juta tahun kayaknya aku gak nginjek Bandung yang notabene tempat lahirku ini). Dengan menghalalkan segala cara yang halal dan permohonan izin yang berlapis-lapis, aku yang sebenarnya belum boleh ikut-ikut dinas ini akhirnya diizinkan ikut, tentunya dengan syarat dan ketentuan berlaku. Dari Cilacap itu, kami berangkat pagi-pagi (13/09) dengan kendaraan travel yang kami sewa. Totalnya ada empat orang yang ikut, dua cewek dan dua cowok.



So here I am. Doing my "KKW" with an incredibly slow speed. The history repeats. It was like, my 7th and 8th semester of college (with "skripsi" or my final project) life is coming again - in an uglier form! Hehe. Sorry for being so extra (or "lebay").

This is what happened. I got the projects, and then I think about how I am going to do the project. And then I'll plan about how I'll finish the projects. And then I'll figure how the project will turn out. See? Think. Plan. Figure. Where's the "do"? I think that's the part where I used to stuck.


But well, forget about my KKW blabbing. It's something I have to do, not to blab about. Today is my college's 55th anniversary. It's a little late when I noticed because I turned my blackberry updates off so I didn't know when my friends suddenly changed their display pictures with the college's anniversary logo. Of course I didn't want to skip the excitement, so I also changed mine. I put my signature on it so people won't steal it. Artwork stealing is so "in" nowadays! Duh!

The "tweedledew loves you" part was my idea. Sorry! :P


Kerja vs Pekerjaan

*Instead of doing my "KKW" project (oh yeah, I'll blab about this ugly part, later), I have something in my mind. It's not really motivating, though. It's just for sharing. Not to mention that this is not really applicable, it's just a random thought. So yeah, read as you like. It's in Bahasa Indonesia. I'm too lazy to make it English, fyi. :P

KKW? What?
Jadi gini..

Sebenarnya, apa sih yang kita cari dari bekerja dan pekerjaan itu? Apakah uang? Apakah jabatan? Apakah self-esteem? Apakah... (isi sendiri).

Aku pribadi melihat kerja dan pekerjaan sebagai dua hal yang berbeda namun gak bisa dipisahkan. Kerja itu.. semacam kegiatan yang kalau tidak dilakukan, malah jadi tanda tanya besar: kalau gak kerja, mau ngapain?


If you can't fix it, STOP breaking it

At the end of August I was concerned by the shocking news from the west Kalimantan. You may have heard about this very sad story, about that died, burnt, orangutan. Yeah. That was really pathetic. I mean, smoke a confused animal and burnt it this cruel until it die; I was like, really?? We have to end this misguided act. Don't blame anyone. Or any industry (even if they are deserved it). Just, we people have to be more caring, or at least don't do anything harmful.
An orangutan campaign poster, made by me in 2010.
Maybe we should just stop being apathy. The world spins and time flows, and the nature even older, and broken. Same thing with the orangutan. Why do you think there are animals conquering the village? Because we people took and broke their village (yes. the forest) first. Remember this kid, Severn Suzuki said in the United Nations Nature Conference back in 1992?