
01.04.17 Urban Sketching Report

At first it's quite a long tough thought to report this event (because it was happened more than a month ago lol), but then I decide to challenge myself to recall the memory because yeah, I LOVE THIS EVENT SO VERY MUCH - I think I can remember a lot of detail.

So let's begin with how I discover this event.

I've been following a lot of artsy Instagram accounts lately. If you look closely to my following list on my Ig (self-endorse detected lol) you can find them easily. And I don't follow only one kind of arts style, I follow a lot of them from comics to doodle, from fashion to children illustration, etc. and today I found out that urban sketching is also a thing! I was into architectural kind of drawing (did I tell you that I once wanted to be an architect? Too bad, I was really bad at mathematics and similar engineering-starter-pack stuff lol) for so long only I never knew that we can actually draw ones without: ruler!


To be honest ruler and eraser are not my favorite drawing tools.

Long story short, I found that event on Indonesia Sketcher's instagram and at first I didn't interested because it was in Jakarta - too far from my place. Luckily, my boss asked me to attend a business meeting in Bogor two days before that event so I finally could join (yeayy!).

Dari sini gue pake Bahasa Indonesia ajalah lagi pusing kebanyakan kerja (pfft). Btw ini bakalan panjangg banget!

First time urban sketching at Pasar Palmerah.