
Revenge: Reviewed!

And so I've watched the Revenge TV series this whole week till they end and now I left in emptiness lol.

Like I said earlier, my hobbies are seasonal. I love drawing so much but after the last illustration, I haven't touch my drawing tools again ever since. This week theme is "movie mania". By movie I don't say the "movie" that has to be watched in the cinema, but they mostly watched in my laptop. Especially the TV movies from the international channel. They make me addicted. Okay you could just say that those are like "sinetron barat" but I tell you that they are very different from ours (wonder why!). The best thing I like about them is they know how exactly to keep us watching without making us boring. Also, they absolutely know how to end the series. I mean, how many of our "sinetron" began with a nice idea and nice plot but then as it keeps going, it started to be confusing until they finally cut it hanging without planning things right? Uhm..
My attempt to draw Victoria Grayson is failed. First, she's too young and chubby. Second, she's less vicious lol.
I actually watched Cinta Fitri before it ended up to be poorly crafted, and I was left confused, bored and disappointed :(

So now about Revenge. They came in 4 seasons, each has 23 episodes. I bought the first season DVDs since 2013 but only decided to watch it in 2015. And then I was so in love. At first it looked like an ordinary soap opera. But as it progressing, it became more and more interesting. And also, do you know that not many movies have a great heroine in it? This movie does. Emily Thorne is badass.

The story is about that very Emily Thorne, whose real name is Amanda Clarke, that has a big well-planned revenge plan towards The Grayson Family who has falsely accused her father, David Clarke, as a criminal responsible for the airplane crash while Emily still 9. Turns out that the airplane crash is a part of a big conspiracy. The revenge plan is so tidy, clever, and interesting (and also wicked) but somehow we'll always support it because The Graysons are evil-er. One by one, Emily took down everyone who took part in that conspiracy and wronged her family in the past. By took down, she did something wicked to make sure the villain got a miserable life.


Kenapa Gue Gak Jadi Artis?


Disclaimer: Tulisan ini bersifat just-for-fun dan kalau tidak fun mohon dimaafkan. Intinya gak maksud mendiskreditkan profesi tertentu.

Maafkan judul yang bikin agak eneg ini but today I was just browsing through one to too many articles about "the somebody" plus those "it" people and I was like, OMG it looks so hard being a celebrity no? Hehe. Salah satu guilty pleasure saya adalah nonton infotainment. Kayak asik aja gitu bisa tau kehidupan para seleb dan berasa HITS banget kalau tau kabar terkini - sayangnya kabar yang dipilih adalah kabar berkilauan dunia entertainment T_T. Hmm namun sejak bulan Mei lalu saya memutuskan mengeluarkan TV saya dari kamar kost (replaced by another electronic stuff hehe) sehingga alhamdulillah saya udah lamaaa banget gak liat infotainment.
Joey Alexander as the muse.
Tapi akhirnya saya kepo juga. Baru liat-liat IG gosip (astagfirulloh ada pula IG tematik gini) dan saya kaget aja gitu. Bukan postingannya, saya suka seneng aja liat komentar-komentarnya. Lucu-lucu sih bikin ngikik wkwk. Ada beberapa hal yang ganggu banget menurut saya dari kehidupan gemerlapan tersebut (which is why aku gak pengen jadi artis lol):

Yang ada di TV ≠ Yang ada di Dunia Nyata
"Aslinya dia gak ramah kok, gue pernah minta foto bareng eh ditolak pake muka cemberut gitu sambil ngomong 'maaf mbak saya lagi off'. Fixed ilfil, gak ngefans lagi gua".


1437 H - A Contemplation

Pardon me for this very standard title but all I wanna say today is Happy Idul Fitri 1437 H! Let me tell you something, I came from a not very big family so Idul Fitri is usually filled with five to ten people at most and we don't really visiting each other house.

Met lebaran hehe. Lagi nyoba-nyoba cat air.
Yoi, jadi berkunjung dari rumah ke rumah tuh gak wajib di sini. Apalagi kalau udah ketemu pas sholat Ied, ya udah deh. Halal Bihalal sama temen misalnya, di luar texting dan telepon palingan maen bareng or ketemuan di mana gitu. Gak ada kunjung-kunjungan ke rumah. Makanya pas di Palembang saya agak culture shock. Di sana ternyata tiap lebaran ada yang namanya sanjo (entah gimana nulisnya wkwk). Jadi kunjung-kunjungan ke rumah temen tuh di sana udah kayak wajib gitu. Di sini? Keluarga besar udah paling banyak kalau yang menyerupai sanjo. Kalau sama temen-temen dekat or biasa gak segitunya di sini mah haha. Tetangga se-RT palingan. Bagus juga yak, mempererat silaturahim.

Tahun ini sebenernya saya lagi dapet cuti panjang. Baru kepake beberapa hari sih karena saya lagi gak ada kegiatan yang bikin saya harus cuti panjang (like traveling or umrah maybe?). Besides, kerjaan lagi banyak banget! Sejak ganti jabatan di Agustus 2015 lalu load kerjaan saya nambah beberapa ratus persen. Dibilang sibuk ya gitu deh, tapi musiman. Bisa sibuk banget dan ada juga waktu dimana saya bisa santai banget. Anyway sebenernya moto saya kan gini, mau santai mau sibuk yang penting kerjaan selesai. Maksudnya gak harus sibuk menyiksa diri padahal 'kan kerja itu orientasinya hasil, bukan semata-mata proses. Oke proses penting biar keliatan sibuk kalau bos kebeneran nanya kan asik wkwk. Tapi kalau gak selesai buat apa? Mendingan santai, sibuk sekali-kali tapi selesai doong. Hardworking doesn't mean to be always look like very busy all the time, right? Tapi itu imho sih lol.