
It's Not A Restart Even If You Thought So

When I first announce my resignation, people were like,

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that", - yeah, you must.
"Is this a husband's order?", - enough to that. You don't know him.
"Why don't you be grateful? Your resignation means you have no gratitude," - actually, resignation is a form of my gratitude over my situation at the moment. And as to 'anything good for one person is not always good for another person' so call me a snob, but I didn't buy this.
"Be patient, money is not everything", - this kind of an insult.

And among those sorry comments, I hear one good support,
"Good decision! Insya Alloh you won't regret". (And mostly this came from the "husbands" employee - yeah, in my former workplace there's a lot LDR husbands located far from their spouse) - many thanks!

Menjadi salah satu panitia acara CIP pada bulan-bulan terakhir bekerja di Palembang.

The worst comment?
"You'll probably restart everything." - silence. This needs a long answer. As in this post.

Ah.. people are always give their comments, showing sympathy and all. While I'm here happily answering every question (when I want to). And to be honest, your sympathy needs no reaction, because I am very happy now. Yeah, I thank y'all for that, tho. Of course I love my former company, and still have it in my heart (you know, first corporate job & a lot of happy things happened because of that). But come on, this needs no more reaction. I resigned. That's the fact.

I was happy in the company, and I am happy, too, now.

Ada anekdot yang bilang, "hidup pasca resign ini senang-nya cuma sebulan-dua bulan. Lewat dari situ, kamu bakalan merengek-rengek pengen kerja lagi."

Well, it doesn't happen to me. At least for now.

Selain resign, banyak juga yang dipertanyakan orang tentang "perkembangan hidup" saya. Basa-basi makjleb semacam "udah isi lagi, belom?", "udah kerja lagi, belom?" , "kapan mau KPR?" gitu. Anehnya, yang gini-gini datengnya bukan dari teman-teman yang akrab - yang saya 'gak akan sebel kalau ditanyain gitu sama mereka. Alhamdulillah lingkaran terdekat saya baik-baik banget.

Situasi komen-mengkomen ini mirip dengan yang dibilang Prof. Mahfu*d MD di sebuah wawancara, "dalam menghadapi suatu persoalan, kamu bereaksi ataupun tidak, kamu tetap akan dikomentari orang." Jadi hemat-hemat aja. Gak semua hal perlu dikasih reaksi. Bahasa suami sih, "Harus mahalin diri untuk bereaksi jelek!".

Ternyata ini adalah ujian paling minimal bagi kehidupan saya pasca resign. Komentar. Sekelas Ustadz yang ikhtiarnya nyata demi umat saja masih dapat komentar dan nasihat berbumbu ujub dari si penasihat. Apalagi saya? Ini belum menjelang mom-petition yang sudah dialami oleh banyak teman-teman saya duluan loh.

Jadi, jeng, bro. Berita ini sudah lima bulan lalu loh. Terima kasih sudah bersimpati, alhamdulillah masih banyak orang perhatian (atau penasaran? hehe) di dunia ini. Jadi silakan tanya, tapi mohon tidak menghakimi atau menebak-nebak kelangsungan hidup saya pasca resign. Hidup tidaklah semudah ditebak itu.

Mari saling menjaga perasaan. Situasi setiap orang berbeda, yang artinya setiap orang tidak harus memilih hal yang sama. Jikapun sama, dampaknya tidak selalu sama. Mudah-mudahan kita semua selamat dunia-akhirat. Amin.

This is not a restart. This is moving forward.